Remember what is was like before hemorrhoids changed your life? Use 10 Minute Ice so you can get back to feeling like you again! 10 Minute Ice is a new FDA cleared cold therapy device based on a time-tested natural treatment method - Ice! It is drug Free and does not contain any chemicals or herbs that may be harmful to your body commonly found in other popular ointments and pills.. It’s time to re-think your hemorrhoid treatment! Ice is well known for it’s ability to quickly reduce pain and swelling. The cold therapy applied by using a chilled 10 Minute Ice cold pack provides soothing comfort right at the site of pain. Doctors commonly recommend applying ice several times a day to help alleviate hemorrhoid pain. Ice is a natural vasoconstrictor which reduces blood flow to the swollen blood vessels of your hemorrhoids. The unique slim shape of your 10 Minute Ice cold pack is designed to provide comfort and minimize any applied pressure on your hemorrhoids while directing the cooling- right were you need it most. Other cold therapy products that instruct you to insert them in your anus or between your buttocks can be very uncomfortable to use. 10 Minute Ice is intended to be used for ten minutes of concentrated relief per use, up to 6X daily. 10 Minute Ice No miracle ointments or magic pills… just specially shaped ice, something you know and understand.
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