Turn-O-Matic Ticket Dispensers Using Turn-O-Matic means that customers will be served in the right order but can walk around while they are waiting. When customers are taking a number from a queuing system they feel more fairly treated and they get the feeling that service is more efficient. Giving them the freedom to move makes them feel less stressed and at the same time they tend to buy more. Queue busting In a busy retail environment, queue management is a vital aspect of customer service. Retailers need to provide a service that is fair, efficient and stress free for customers and staff alike. By reserving each customer’s place in line and notifying them about how long they can expect to wait, shopping becomes more pleasant and more profitable, too: research shows that up to 88% of customers prefer to continue shopping while they wait for their number to come up. Turn-O-Matic is the most-used customer priority system on the market. More than 150.000 Turn-O-Matics have been installed, and every year more than 150 billion tickets are dispensed in every kind of retail or service environment imaginable. * Dispenser for T90 tickets * Size (w x h x d) 88 x 250 x 280mm * Colour Blue * Material - ABS * Bottom housing in dark grey * Includes mounting screws Perfect to use in any busy retail, service environment
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